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        時間:2023-08-08   瀏覽次數(shù):  分享到:
        How to Make an Accurate Determination? The Chemical Differences between Ziziphi Spinosae Semen and Ziziphi Mauritianae Semen Are Significant.


        As the first choice of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of insomnia, Ziziphi Spinosae Semen (ZSS) has a clinical history of over 2,000 years, and its authentic medicinal materials are produced in the northern region of China. In contrast, Ziziphi Mauritianae Semen (ZMS) is a modern medicine mainly distributed in the southwestern region of China. In recent years, due to the similar morphological characteristics and therapeutic effects of the two herbs, but a significant difference in market prices, it has become increasingly common for ZMS to be fraudulently labeled or adulterated as ZSS, leading to confusion in the Chinese herbal medicine market and clinical applications.


        What are the characteristics that distinguish ZSS from ZMS, and how can they be accurately distinguished?


        酸棗仁 (Ziziphi Spinosae Semen,ZSS)為鼠李科棗屬植物酸棗 Z. jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chow的干燥成熟種子,始載于《神農(nóng)本草經(jīng)》,位列上品,歷代本草皆有收錄。其味甘、酸,性平,歸肝、膽、心經(jīng),具有養(yǎng)心補肝、寧心安神、斂汗、生津之功效。作為中藥治療失眠的首選藥物,酸棗仁在治療失眠相關(guān)的藥方中使用率高達70%以上。

        理棗仁 (Ziziphi Mauritianae Semen,ZMS)為酸棗仁同科同屬植物滇刺棗 Z. mauritiana Lam. 的干燥成熟種子,也稱“滇棗仁”、“緬棗仁”或“進口酸棗仁”等,為近現(xiàn)代用藥,僅在《滇南本草》中有過收錄。其味甘、平,歸心、肝經(jīng),具有寧心安神,除煩斂汗的功效在云南民間被作為治療失眠的習用藥材使用。

        1 Pharmacopoeia Inclusion and Categorization

        ZSS, also known as sour jujube seed, is the dried  mature seed of the plant Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. spinosa (Bunge) Hu ex H. F. Chow, which belongs to the Rhamnaceae family. It was first recorded in the classic Chinese herbal book "Shennong Bencao Jing" and was listed as a top-grade herb. It has been included in nearly all Chinese pharmacopoeias throughout history. ZSS is associated with the liver, gallbladder, and heart meridians,possess the effects of nourishing the heart and liver, calming the mind and tranquilizing the nerves, according to the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicines. As the first choice for treating insomnia in Traditional Chinese Medicines, ZSS is used in over 70% of insomnia-related prescriptions.

        ZMS, also known as "Dian zao ren", "Mian zao ren", or "imported sour jujube kernel", is the dried mature seed of Ziziphi mauritiana Lam., a plant belonging to the same family and genus as ZSS, but a different species. It is a relatively modern medicinal material and has only been recorded in the "Dian Nan Ben Cao". ZMS is associated with the heart and liver meridians, and is known for its calming and sweat-reducing effects, according to TCMs. ZMS is commonly used in Yunnan folk medicine to treat insomnia.   

        2 真假酸棗仁的化學(xué)成分差異


        Chemical Differences between ZSS and ZMS

        It has been discovered by modern pharmacological research that both ZSS and ZMS are rich in triterpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids, and nucleoside. However, there are also significant differences in the types and contents of these compounds between ZSS and ZMS.

        2.1 三萜皂苷

        酸棗仁和理棗仁所含三萜皂苷類成分差異較大,酸棗仁中皂苷類成分的種類和數(shù)量均明顯多于理棗仁。研究表明,酸棗仁中總皂苷含量約為 0.09%,而理棗仁中總皂苷含量約為0.04%。其中,以酸棗仁皂苷 A為代表的達瑪烷型四環(huán)三萜是酸棗仁中含量最多的一類三萜皂苷,酸棗仁皂苷 A和酸棗仁皂苷 B一般被認為酸棗仁的特征成分。而理棗仁的特征成分是白樺酯醛,理棗仁中一般檢測不到酸棗仁皂苷 A,酸棗仁皂苷 B的含量也低于酸棗仁。

        2.1 Triterpenoids

        There is a significant difference in the triterpenoids between ZSS and ZMS. The variety and content of saponins in ZSS are significantly higher than those in ZMS. It is revealed that the total saponins in ZSS is approximately 0.09%, while that in ZMS is approximately 0.04%. Among them, dammarane-type tetracyclic triterpenoids, represented by jujuboside A (JuA), are the most abundant type of triterpenoids in ZSS. JuA and jujuboside B (JuB) are also generally considered to be the characteristic components of ZSS. The characteristic component of ZMS is betulinic aldehyde, and JuA is not detected in ZMS, while the content of JuB is lower than that in ZSS.

        2.2 黃酮類化合物

        酸棗仁中總黃酮含量約為 0.95%,黃酮類成分的結(jié)構(gòu)類型相對豐富,但其總含量明顯低于理棗仁。以芫花素C-6碳苷為骨架的斯皮諾素(spinosin)及其衍生物,為酸棗仁和理棗仁共同的特征類黃酮化合物。據(jù)文獻報道,酸棗仁中斯皮諾素、6′′′-芥子酰斯皮諾素、6′′′-阿魏酰斯皮諾素等黃酮類化合物的含量均顯著低于理棗仁。

        2.2 Flavonoids

        With more skeleton types of flavonoids in ZSS, the content of total flavonoids in ZSS is about 0.95%, which is significantly lower than that in ZMS. Spinosin and its derivatives, which have a skeleton of glycoside located at C-6 site of apigenin with a carbon atom, are common flavonoids in ZSS and ZMS. As reported in the literatures, the content of flavonoids such as spinosin, 6′′′-sinapoyl spinosin, and 6′′′-feruloyl spinosin in ZSS are all significantly lower than that in ZMS.

        2.3 生物堿類化合物

        酸棗仁生物堿主要包含異喹啉類生物堿、阿樸菲類生物堿和環(huán)肽類生物堿,其中,異喹啉類生物堿含量相對較高;理棗仁中的生物堿主要為環(huán)肽類生物堿。酸棗仁中木蘭花堿的含量約為理棗仁的 2 倍,烏藥堿、酸李堿和蓮心季銨堿的含量也明顯高于理棗仁。

        2.3 Alkaloids

        The main alkaloids in ZSS include isoquinoline alkaloids, aporphine alkaloids, and cyclic peptide alkaloids. Among them, the content of isoquinoline alkaloids is higher. In contrast, alkaloids forming as cyclic peptide alkaloids are the main alkaloids in ZMS. The content of magnoflorine in ZSS is about twice that of ZMS. The content of coclaurine, zizyphusine, and lotusine are also significantly higher in ZSS compared to ZMS, respectively.

        2.4 氨基酸和核苷

        酸棗仁和理棗仁均含有豐富的氨基酸。迄今,酸棗仁中已檢測到 22 種氨基酸,理棗仁中已檢測到 19 種氨基酸。酸棗仁中必須氨基酸的總含量約為理棗仁的 8 倍。酸棗仁中精氨酸、天冬酰胺、絲氨酸和酪氨酸等氨基酸含量較高,約占總氨基酸含量的50%,而理棗仁中精氨酸和絲氨酸含量較高。理棗仁中纈氨酸和蛋氨酸含量明顯高于酸棗仁。

        此外,酸棗仁中核苷的種類及含量均多于理棗仁,特別是腺苷、尿苷和腺嘌呤等核苷含量較高,占總核酸和堿基含量的 60%以上。

        2.4 Amino Acids and Nucleoside 

        The content of amino acids in both ZSS and ZMS are rich. To date, 22 types of amino acids have been detected in ZSS and 19 types have been detected in ZMS. The total content of essential amino acids in ZSS is approximately eight times higher than those in ZMS. Arginine, asparagine, serine, and tyrosine are richer in ZSS, accounting for about 50% of the total amino acid content, while the content of arginine and serine are higher in ZMS. However, the contents of methionine and lysine in ZMS are significantly higher than those in ZSS.

        In addition, the types and content of nucleosides in ZSS are higher than those in ZMS, especially adenosine, uridine, and adenine, which account for more than 60% of the total nucleic acid and base.


        In conclusion, there are significant chemical differences between ZSS and ZMS, which can be quickly and accurately identified by modern detection technology. It is very important and urgent to accurately distinguish the authenticity and quality of ZSS,which is crucial to maintain normal market order, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and ensure the healthy development of the traditional Chinese medicine industry.



        Afrormosine CAS:550-79-8 中藥對照品標準品



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